VTF – Polling And Tick Data

Last time I left off at ditching Tradingview as a quote source. These things happen, and I learned quite a lot along the way, so I’m not troubled by it. Turning locally, as in my own hard drive, I began sifting through the data that gets archived by my chart provider.

Fortunately they aren’t super-protective of their quotes, so the files were essentially text data with some custom file extensions on the end. I began Python-ing a way to get these things filtered and saved in the proper folder for my Teardown mod.

The data is quite orderly:

Date, Time, Open, High, Low, Last, Volume, # of Trades, OHLC Avg, HLC Avg, HL Avg, Bid Volume, Ask Volume
2022/4/4, 13:22:45.0, 4561.50, 4561.50, 4561.50, 4561.50, 3, 3, 4561.50, 4561.50, 4561.50, 0, 3 

After a bit of filtering/detection, I had it doing things like this:

Last line in file: ESM22-CME-BarData.txt is:
2022/4/4, 20:32:40.0, 4571.25, 4571.25, 4571.25, 4571.25, 3, 3, 4571.25, 4571.25, 4571.25, 3, 0

Symbol: ES Last price: 4571.25 Volume: 3
File size in bytes: 12587 

(I’m counting filesize so I can wipe it when it hits a certain size, to keep search times down for some functions.)

One main task I had to figure out was filtering based on futures symbol. Most symbols follow the convention of:


As with anything, there are a few exceptions where the year/month is flipped, but in aggregate my initial function seemed to do the trick.

First try, and boy did I go into deep IF … land on this one.

I realized later on that this first pass wasn’t good enough – it wasn’t behaving EXACTLY as I needed, so it made sense to go through and refactor it into a function (or series of them), that worked how I wanted. Sometimes being “cute” and trying to do too many things at once creates technical debt that bites you in the ass when you least expect it.

After some pseudo-code restructuring to actually plan the flow of what I was trying to do, I came up with this result:

Sometimes breaking up things makes it much cleaner and easier to debug.

I set up a test where I threw it every symbol I had in my local directory to make sure it could handle things:

Remember, I just wanted futures symbols. Stocks and non-recognized/allowed ones should “fail”.

So far, so good! It was nice being able to chuck anything at it, even the dollar-sign prefix ones, and have it handle things in a sane way.

I now had to plan out the pseudo-code for making the main polling loop work. I’m not a Python expert by any means, so I just worked from some examples and adapted it to my purpose. After thinking a bit, I managed to get this flow:

The glorious refactoring pass of my data flow. This document changes as I go along, but its a good way to outline the major steps in execution.

This happens to me sometimes, I’m humming along and Python-ing my way to a given goal, and something gets thrown in my way that I didn’t quite expect.

Debugging isn’t glamorous, there aren’t any hacker-esque (in the hollywood sense) terminals with interesting things being scrolled/displayed/animated on them. Its just my boring Notepad++ open to a file and the shell where I’m running Python commands.

At one point, things were silently failing.

It could be my fault – I’m not an expert, as I said – so I could be structuring things too deeply in terms of logic IF .. THEN or just calling a bunch of functions like a fool. The result was I had to place some Debug statements like — print(“Did I even get to this point?”) in the code to figure out WHERE it was dying.

Not fun, in the least.

At this point, I’m nearly at the end of the Python part of implementing this mod — the rest of the steps are to get the voxel model encoded and saved to the proper directory, then in Teardown have it get read/decoded by a lua script.

So very close…. more to come.

VTF – Quotes And Clever Bastards

There I was, puttering right along and getting some quote data when the unthinkable happened — Tradingview got wise to my quote-scraping ways, and the historical data I successfully was getting turned into error messages from the server. Dang.

The good ‘ol days, when quotes worked and historical data grew on metaphorical trees.

Oh, cruel fate.

I had to regroup and try to salvage something. I had a bunch of regular expressions for filtering Tradingview’s price data, and I didn’t want them to go to waste! After a bit of thinking, I decided to do it the old fashioned way — scrape the Tradingview site directly.

This would require learning yet-another-skill, using a module called “Selenium” for Python. This clever library allows you to dive into page source code for stuff, or open up web pages and even simulate user “clicks” and data entry – for say, logging in.

I got to work, and soon I had something going:

## Have to use CSS selector when class names have spaces - replace with '.'
login_button_class = "tv-header__user-menu-button"
user_menu_class = "item-4TFSfyGO"
sign_in_email_class = "tv-signin-dialog__toggle-email"
user_name = "username"
browser.find_element(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value=login_button_class).click() # Click on user login
browser.find_element(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value=user_menu_class).click() # Click on dropdown for email
browser.find_element(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value=sign_in_email_class).click() # Click on email for User/Pass dialog
input_username = browser.find_element(by=By.NAME, value=user_name).click() # Click on email for User/Pass dialog
pyautogui.typewrite(user) # works
pyautogui.press("tab") # Tab to next field

There’s more setup involved prior to these actions, but I wanted to show the core of what I was doing. Clicking buttons, signing in, all of that. There was a way to cache the result — so I didn’t have to log in every single time, but for some reason that code didn’t work for me. I plowed ahead, undaunted.

A few bazillion log-ins later, and a bunch of “did you just log in from a new device” emails, I was at the page where you could add symbols to a watchlist, and it would helpfully display them on the right hand side of the page. I was set! (Or so I thought.)

No my friends, no such luck. Turns out the Tradingview chaps are quite resourceful. Let me explain.

In the “old days” you could look at a website’s source, it would have its data embedded in the page like “lastprice=46624.50”, which was trivial to scrape.

Well, websites are now reactive and do all kinds of things, which means what I was searching for was deep in the source. And I mean DEEP. Take a look at this relative path here:


And that is just for ONE quote, mind you. (20-plus levels deep!)

Even if you got down there, Tradingview made sure to make it as hard as possible. How? Well, if you weren’t paying much attention, you’d pull up your watchlist and it would have some symbols with prices, like this:

DXY 98.62 BTCUSD 46639.25

So just dive down into the source and get it, right? Well, its more complicated than that. They don’t just display the prices in one go — oh no — some evil genius over there decided on any up/down tick to color a RANDOM portion of the quote green or red.

Which means a simple quote of:


Turns into:

<span class="inner-ghhqKDrt">4610<span class="minus-ghhqKDrt">5.2</span></span>

So what, right?

It turns out that its monumentally harder to scrape a quote when the style of that quote changes on a whim. So, part of it is white, some of it is red/green at any given point. By splitting the quote apart in a random way, it turns out regular expressions that you’d use to grab it only get a fraction of the “normal” part:

4610 -- instead of -- 46105.20

And since I wouldn’t know which part of the quote is being colored a given style, I couldn’t make precise regular expressions that captured it precisely. This is what is known as a “needle-in-a-colored-haystack” kind of problem.

But — not all is lost. I learned a LOT about grabbing things from pages, so I’m sure that skill will come in handy down the line. After realizing that scraping the Tradingview site was a non-starter, I did some digging and found that my charting program I use has data formatted locally on my drive I could parse.

You live and learn, I suppose.

All I can say though is — whoever designed Tradingview’s quote display system is an evil bastard genius.

And I’d buy them a beer.

More to come…

VTF – Fun With Time

Did I say “fun”? Yes, I did. Though figuring this out initially wasn’t very fun at first. When it comes to price data, you have to know a few things when collating a bunch of historical prices. Namely the duration from one date to the next, or from a point in the past to the present.

My intent with this was to only pull the minimum amount of data from Tradingview, so I didn’t abuse their websocket and cause some admin somewhere to curse at my IP when he viewed the server logs. This requires some time functions, so I set about to make one.

Like any task, sometimes I think “Hey, this is only going to be a few steps.” Then later, when I look up at the clock and its 2am, I realize that I have plumbed a very deep rabbit-hole of specialized knowledge that I only want the barest nuance of.

For instance for my application I want a whole day’s prior data. Turns out there’s 6 bars in a day using a 4-hour period per bar. (6 x 4 = 24, so that is cool.) But, at any given time I start the main polling process, I won’t be precisely 24 hours out, I’ll be 24 + some random interval of time. So I have to calculate the proper offset to get everything up to now.

Okay – no problem, right? Just take a date like March 29th, and subtract one day and start there, right? — well, sure if its the middle or end of the month, what happens when you do it after crossing over to the 1st of the next month?

Oh man…

That means you have to know how many days in a month there are, when they change, and god help you — if its a leap year because Feb will have 29 days instead of 28.

So guess what I did?

I made a function that could determine those transitions – and get this – even CENTURY leap years, which is funny since I’m not going to live long enough to see another one, but hell, I guess I wanted to cover it anyway.

So that is how things sort of expand and become a bit more complex when determining what to do in a program. Here’s what I came up with for basic timestamp stuff:

import datetime
import pytz

timeZone = pytz.timezone('US/Central') # GMT -6 hrs

currDate = datetime.datetime.now(timeZone)

priorNaive = datetime.datetime(2022,3,27,00,00,00)

priorDate = priorNaive.astimezone(timeZone) # Make timezone aware

secElapsed = (currDate-priorDate).total_seconds()

print("Prior Date: " + str(priorDate))
print("Current Date: " + str(currDate))
print("Elapsed seconds: " + str(secElapsed) + "\n")

Which results in two timezone-aware timestamps calculating elapsed seconds:

Prior Date: 2022-03-27 00:00:00-05:00
Current Date: 2022-03-28 21:56:48.813351-05:00
Elapsed seconds: 165408.813351

And just for anyone who needed something that does leap year/century in Python:

import re
import datetime
import pytz
import math

timeZone = pytz.timezone('US/Central') # GMT -5 hrs during CDT, -6 CST

#yearTest = ["2024"]
#dateTest = ["07","04"]

## Month, days - (leap year changes Feb):
## Jan (31), Feb (28 or 29), Mar (31), Apr (30), May (31), Jun (30), Jul (31), Aug (31), Sep (30), Oct (31), Nov (30), Dec (31)
## To be a leap year, the year number must be divisible by 4 except for end-of-century leap years, which must be divisible by 400.
## So the year 2000 was a end-of-century leap year, although 1900 was not. 2024 and 2028 are upcoming leap years
## The below returns YYYY-MM-DD
def dateCalcOffset(myDateList, myYearList): # Checks for leap year/century and month boundary transitions
	months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"] # Months for debug, etc..
	numDays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] # Feb can be 29 days if its a leap year
	endOfCentury = "false"
	endOfCentLeap = "false"
	leapYear = "false"
	days = 0
	leapDays = 0
	priorDay = 0
	# Cast these as ints for calcs
	myMonth = int(myDateList[0])
	myDay = int(myDateList[1])
	myYear = int(myYearList[0])
	# Leap year - Is it a leap year?
	# First check if its end of century using modulo
	centuryRemainder = myYear % 100
	if centuryRemainder == 0:
		endOfCentury = "true"
		if endOfCentury == "true":
			centuryRemainder = myYear % 400 # If true, check if century leap year
			if centuryRemainder == 0:
				endOfCentLeap = "true"
				#print("Year: " + myYearList[0] + " is an end of century leap year.") # Debug
				# Add extra day if month is February
				if myMonth == 2:
					leapDays = 29
					print("Feb has: " + str(leapDays) + " days.")  # Debug
				#print("Year: " + myYearList[0] + " is not a end of century leap year.") # Debug
				days = numDays[myMonth-1] # or just return days per month index
				#print(months[myMonth-1] + " has : " + str(days) + " days.") # Debug
		#print("Year: " + myYearList[0] + " is not the end of a century.") # Debug
		nothing = 0 # Does nothing, but python wants something here if above is commented out lol
	# Now check for leap year - only if century check isn't positive
	if endOfCentury == "false" and endOfCentLeap == "false":
		leapRemainder = myYear % 4
		if leapRemainder == 0: # No remainder? Its a leap year
			#print("Year: " + myYearList[0] + " is a leap year.") # Debug
			leapYear = "true"
			# Add extra day if month is February
			if myMonth == 2:
				leapDays = 29
				#print("Feb has: " + str(leapDays) + " days.")  # Debug
				days = numDays[myMonth-1] # or just return days per month index
				#print(months[myMonth-1] + " has: " + str(days) + " days.") # Debug
			#print("Year: " + myYearList[0] + " is not a leap year.") # Debug
			days = numDays[myMonth-1] # or just return days per month index
			#print(months[myMonth-1] + " has: " + str(days) + " days.") # Debug
	# Input check - if day is greater than number of days for that month - throw error
	if myDay > days: # Shouldn't happen, but catch it in case...
		print("Input day greater than maximum allowed for month/leap calcs.")
	else: # Do calculations accounting for being first of month from prior month
		if myDay == 1 and endOfCentLeap == "true" or leapYear == "true": # Is it leap year/century?
			if myMonth == 2: # February 1st?
				myMonth = myMonth-1 # Decrement month
				priorDay = numDays[myMonth-1] # Get last day of prior month
			else: # Not the 1st of the month, and not Feb
				if myDay > 1 and myDay <= numDays[myMonth-1]:
					priorDay = myDay-1
		else: # Not a leap year/century
			if myDay == 1: # First of month?
				myMonth = myMonth-1 # Decrement month
				priorDay = numDays[myMonth-1] # Get last day of prior month
				if myDay > 1 and myDay <= numDays[myMonth-1]: # Not first of month - first week or later?
					priorDay = myDay-1
	return myYear, myMonth, priorDay

def getCurrentStamp(myTimeZone): # Takes pytz assigned timezone for calcs
	myCurrentStamp = datetime.datetime.now(myTimeZone)
	return myCurrentStamp

def getOffsetStamp(myCurrent, myTimeZone):
	dateRegex = '-(\d\d)' # Splits out stuff after '-' character
	yearRegex = '^(\d\d\d\d)' # Splits out year
	myDateParsed = re.findall(dateRegex, str(myCurrent)) # returns list, element[0] is month, element[1] is day
	myYearParsed = re.findall(yearRegex, str(myCurrent)) # returns list, element[0] is year
	offsetDate = dateCalcOffset(myDateParsed, myYearParsed)
	myPriorNaive = datetime.datetime(offsetDate[0],offsetDate[1],offsetDate[2],00,00,00) ## Year,Month,Day,Hr,Min,Sec
	myPriorStamp = myPriorNaive.astimezone(myTimeZone) # Make timezone aware
	return myPriorStamp

def elapsedSeconds(myCurrent, myPrior): # Gets elapsed from two time-zone aware datestamps
	ttlSeconds = (myCurrent-myPrior).total_seconds()
	return ttlSeconds

def numOfBars(mySeconds, barInterval): # Takes total seconds, Bar interval in minutes
	barSeconds = barInterval * 60
	ttlBarNum = math.trunc(mySeconds / barSeconds) # Drop decimals, can't get a fraction of a bar
	return ttlBarNum

#--------------- Testing Functions

#today = getCurrentStamp(timeZone)

#offset = getOffsetStamp(today, timeZone)

#secondsBetween = elapsedSeconds(today, offset)

#barResolution = 240 # Minutes

#howManyBars =  numOfBars(secondsBetween, barResolution)

#print("Todays timestamp: " + str(today))
#print("Prior timestamp: " + str(offset))
#print("Elapsed seconds: " + str(secondsBetween))
#print("Elapsed minutes: " + str(math.trunc(secondsBetween/60)))
#print("Elapsed hours: " + str(math.trunc((secondsBetween/60)/60)))
#print("Retrieve " + str(howManyBars) + " bars of historical data.")

Yes, I included the other functions and my commented-out testing statements for completeness. The output looks like this:

Todays timestamp: 2022-03-29 13:09:16.194627-05:00
Prior timestamp: 2022-03-28 00:00:00-05:00
Elapsed seconds: 133756.194627
Elapsed minutes: 2229
Elapsed hours: 37
Retrieve 9 bars of historical data.

Now I’m set to do all kinds of time things with bar data! It only took plenty of TIME to figure it out, lol.

More to come…

VTF – Parsing The Sea Of Quotes

Like most things, if I think its going to be easy I usually find some stones I need to hop over to make some progress. Last time, we left off with me using Tradingview’s websockets to grab some quote data. The result of which looks a bit like this:


What the eff does that stuff mean? Let me elaborate.

The first line : 1648224000.0,44345.51290507,44590.0,44050.0,44452.0,541.3003276299921 — Unix timestamp, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
So that timestamp would be – Friday March 25th 2022 11am DST. There’s a lot of numbers after the decimal, I only need two — so that entry would really read:
Open: 44345.51, High: 44590.00, Low: 44050.00, Close: 44452.00 Volume: 541.30
I was able to specify 240 minute (4-Hour) bars which makes it pretty easy to get a whole day in just a few entries, since 6 bars = 24 hours. Seems easy, right? All I need to do now is to parse that and write it in a way that makes sense for my encoder.

Here it is looking a bit more formatted:

0,"03/25/2022, 03:00:00",43911.22112839,44654.67307908,43606.0,44600.0,915.298048519977
1,"03/25/2022, 07:00:00",44601.0,45082.0,44236.0038521,44346.0,1818.5557992299166
2,"03/25/2022, 11:00:00",44345.51290507,44590.0,44050.0,44452.0,541.3003276299921
3,"03/25/2022, 15:00:00",44452.74643167,44636.0,44275.0,44337.0,318.5197989300029
4,"03/25/2022, 19:00:00",44336.0,44477.0,44112.0,44441.0,193.30515490000215
5,"03/25/2022, 23:00:00",44434.07106376,44559.28387061,44379.0,44534.02163765,236.48321299000156
6,"03/26/2022, 03:00:00",44521.0,44598.0,44329.0,44335.0,158.88092032999873
7,"03/26/2022, 07:00:00",44335.0,44406.0,44165.0,44211.0,196.8329842700001
8,"03/26/2022, 11:00:00",44207.0,44472.0,44152.89142732,44367.0,138.23807569000022
9,"03/26/2022, 15:00:00",44364.0,44785.0,44257.0,44473.0,372.51797744998487

Next steps will be getting more than one quote at a time, which should be possible. In the end I’ll have quite a few of them interleaved among each other, which means I need to lean hard on regular expressions to sift through the sea of data.

(Some time later)

I’m deep into Regular Expressions, a way to sift through the alphabet soup of data and pick out the things that I want. There’s some nice tools out there to help, like regex101 dot com, but its still pretty arcane syntax-wise.
Making some progress, but its getting tricky. Let me explain. I’m using websockets, so I see the data coming from the server and it gets dumped to the console. Problem is, using Regex means it parses whatever it gets its little grubby hands on, which means it could be influenced by debug messages I dump to the console too – a bit like double-dipping into a stream.
So I have to figure out how to debug the program without messing up the datasource. Or at least I think I do at this point. Its messing with my head 🙂
I might be able to get ahead of it by flagging my debugging messages in a way so that it will ignore that, but work on the other data. Maybe… or… split out the results and save them to a file so it doesn’t “pollute” the same stream of data I’m trying to parse.

(Which is really what I should be doing, I think.)

Hoo boy, my head hurts. But I think I have it finally.

This is the data that I’ve been dealing with — just so you have an idea what it looks like raw from the websocket itself:

quote_session ID generated qs_yngjrgxzshkg
chart_session ID generated cs_vfiuozaqmkwh

~m~484~m~{"m":"qsd","p":["qs_yngjrgxzshkg",{"n":"BITFINEX:BTCUSD","s":"ok","v":{"volume":4537.63954264,"update_mode":"streaming","type":"crypto","short_name":"BTCUSD","rtc":null,"rchp":null,"pro_name":"BITFINEX:BTCUSD","pricescale":10,"original_name":"BITFINEX:BTCUSD","minmove2":0,"minmov":1,"lp_time":1648480412,"lp":47748.0,"is_tradable":true,"fractional":false,"exchange":"BITFINEX","description":"Bitcoin / Dollar","current_session":"market","currency_code":"USD","chp":2.0,"ch":935.0}}]}~m~65~m~{"m":"quote_completed","p":["qs_yngjrgxzshkg","BITFINEX:BTCUSD"]}

So after many attempts that failed, I finally came up with some regex that could filter it into this:

Volume: 4537.63979476
Price: 47748.46935417
Volume: 4537.67328922
Price: 47748.0
Volume: 4537.94068011
Price: 47734.0
Volume: 4538.05830511
Price: 47737.0
Volume: 4538.90654622
Price: 47732.0
Volume: 4539.06445621
Price: 47727.62184819

It took quite a bit to get that all working. Here’s a sample of some of the regex I used:

priceRegex = '\"lp\":(\d+.\d+)'

Make sense to you? Me either, which is why I’m super-glad that sites like regex101 dot com exist. Next, I’ll have to figure out duration between two dates in order to calculate how much quote data to ask for historically.

Until next time…

VTF – Signs And Quote Data

I said I’d fix all the quoteboard signs, and I did – took a bit of work since I had to do all the contract names and the months (for futures), but it was worth it. Here’s the final result:

Note the visual “weight” is all consistent now. I love the results! Not displaying months yet, but they’re done and look good too.

I also figured out how to implement a “style” layer for colors on the different columns, which allows me to do different things per display element.

Multi-color! Looking pretty good – and necessary for some elements I’ll be displaying, like volume.

A quoteboard is useless without data. I’ve been displaying the same test string over and over just to get the sprite drawing done right, but now its time to get the real deal. I’m doing something a bit unorthodox, since Teardown doesn’t allow you to do direct file read/writes. (For security purposes, which I understand.)

Funny thing, while I was working on this I realized that some of the quote data I wanted to display would take one more column to do so. I’m glad I caught that early, because it would’ve been painful to rework all the boards later on when they had surrounding structures and things. Its always the details that bite you if you’re not careful.

This will probably take more than one post, but I wanted to outline my meandering path towards figuring out how to get some data to display on the boards. As I mentioned, my method for importing data into Teardown is unorthodox, since I’m doing an “out-of-band” method to encode data into vox models.

So, where to get data?

My first thought was using some publicly available services that have some limited free data, using an API (Application Programming Interface) key. I futzed around with a few, but that approach rubbed me the wrong way because it seemed really easy to run up against their query frequency limits.

I wasn’t trying to do anything TOO crazy, but even a moderate polling interval would make it so I’d run up on their limit, and encroach into territory that required paid services. I’m sure that design decision was intentional on their part – not that I blame them, really.

While doing quote source research I realized the big “SPOOOOS” contract had been delisted at the CME. They started trading on April 21st, 1982 and were delisted in September 17th, 2021 – a total of 39 years! I was present on the floor for some of those years, so that hit me pretty hard. I guess the E-Mini was more popular, since its still active. Rest In Peace, spoooos! (We called them that on the floor, probably because when it was september the contract month code is “U”, so SPU sounds like Spoooos.)

Finding ticker data sources is easy, the problem is whether you want to pay $1 – 2,000 USD (per year, about $100/mo) for a full range of data or scrape it from somewhere that has it already. Since this is a hobby project, I’m going to scrape some free sources instead. I need a combination of historical data – so I can get 24/hr and all-time highs and lows as well as current open/high/low/close stuff, and a method to get direct live quotes (semi-delayed is fine) for when I’m updating the boards in real-time mode.

One source I considered was Tradingview.

You know when you have what you think is a clear goal and you just need to achieve one more step? Well, I went down a total rabbit hole when it came to Tradingview and its streaming quotes. I found some Python code “in the wild” that allowed negotiating with their websocket to grab quotes – it was not-so-helpfully formatted like this:


All I cared about is getting the “lp” which was “last price” and the volume. Though the timestamp was helpful and the “chp” (Change percentage) and “ch” (Net change) was a nice added bonus. However, I needed more than just one instrument at a time, which required some more Python-ing.

More to come…

VTF – Quoteboard Fun

Initial plan was to make signs using Krita, a free graphics program, and import them into my favorite voxel editor to make them into voxel signs. Problem is, I really needed the resolution, so the voxel characters were too blocky and it really detracted from the legibility.

I ended up making a dynamic sign that reads from a tag on itself, then grabs the right image and displays it in-game, crisp and neat.

An early view of the initial prototype in the Teardown editor.
In-game view. Yes, the prices have nothing to do with the sign right now. Dynamic sign code works!

As I was working with the signs, I made a mistake in one area – see if you can spot it:

Yep, I didn’t pay proper attention to the font sizes when fitting them to the width of the sign. That will have to be changed! So, I reworked things. At least the dynamic part is working.
--- Contract Signs

local imagePath = "MOD/images/contract/"
local contractName = "Nil"
local screenHandle = 0

function tick()
    if contractName == "Nil" then -- Only firing once to not waste cycles
        screenHandle = UiGetScreen()
        contractName = GetTagValue(screenHandle, "name") -- picks up name=<contract name> in "tags" for the screen entity

function draw() -- UI Stack
    UiTranslate(UiCenter(), UiMiddle())
    UiAlign("center middle")
    UiImage(imagePath .. contractName .. ".png")

The above is a snippet in lua of how I got that to work – trust me, I wouldn’t have used tick() if I had any other way — but it seems to work fine without performance hits.

Before balancing out the visual weight of the signs, it was time for more destruction testing. The signs I used were different than sprites, so I had to make another type of damage-detection to deal with them.

Fire tornado! That wasn’t made by me, its “BattleBob72” – If you have steam, here’s a link. Note how the signs deactivate and get removed. Exactly what I wanted.
Here’s a test I did with a pistol. Its fun destroying your own creation, so I don’t mind making things destructible/flammable.

That is it for now, more to come…

VTF – Furnishings And Destruction

After getting all the sprites working for different orientations on the quoteboards, it was time to turn to filling in the floor with authentic props, at least partially.

See! No rain, but some of my temporary measuring tools like that striped stick. The floor is supposed to resemble the raised-dot pattern used on high-wear surfaces at the exchange.
Frontal view, the contrast of the sprites on the quoteboard is pretty obvious here, but the lighting won’t be anywhere near full noon when the environment is fully built out.
Getting the vertical offsets right. The purple was lifted directly from images of the CME floor from the time period I’m modeling. The floor booths indeed looked like this, with carpet inserts, grey metal and plastic framing.

I ended up reworking these pieces so they were more modular – then I could import them into the editor and piece together what I needed. Making large format models sometimes makes sense, but not in this case. Also its easier to make changes when you only have a few components to edit.

Floating quoteboards, booth stands and a inset octagonal trading pit, which took longer to build than I care to admit. The sub-flooring also has a full metal support structure just like the real trading floor did.

As I was building (and destroying, as this game fully allows) I realized I needed a system to detect that damage so the sprites weren’t just floating in the air if they got destroyed by any projectiles or fire. One thing about this game, the fire simulation and smoke physics are top-notch.

Just a touch ‘o fire, to test the sprites winking out of existence. Pretty cool.

As you can see from the video, I got some of the lights defined and glowing, but no specific sources set yet. Things tend to lag when a lot of point sources are added, so I’ll just add the minimum to give it some presence. I may add some slight highlights for the sprites as well so they’re captured in reflections from the ground plane.

Next up, dynamic signs so I can label the columns with the proper instrument name.

More to come…

Virtual Trading Floor – (Cont.)

More pictures and design elements that went into this project:

An electronic flipdot display shows current prices for Cattle Futures at the CME on November 18, 2004. (Photo by Frank J Polich/Bloomberg via Getty Images) – Note it is only five columns wide, which means the leading numbers for some prices – the “handle” – get dropped.
Each display unit is 7 pixels high by 5 wide, which is easier to see in this cropped photo.

One thing they don’t tell you about older displays like flipdots is the sound they make. When a whole series of them are moving, its like something between the murmur of a crowd and the shuffling of cards. A bit “zen”, I think. Sitting on the trading floor after close with nothing but the large clock whuff-whooshing each digit into place, it was a peaceful contrast to the usual activity on the floor.

First attempt at animating the flipdots virtually using my model. Needs finesse, especially some variation when the dots start and a bit of “shimmer” when they settle against their range of motion.

Some views of the trading floor and its displays were difficult to find. Most pictures focus on the open outcry pits, where all the action is, but not many are taken of the quoteboards which were my primary focus. I was beyond happy to find this one, I couldn’t recall the exact wording of some of the legend that was displayed at the edges of the boards, so this photo helped immensely.

The Open, Range, High, Low bit at the right of the quoteboard is what I needed.

To get data into the game, I decided to make a physical model that resembled a server cabinet, with ventilation slots and a mounting rail for the memory modules (vox models) that I would be spawning and reading from. This version doesn’t have any indicator lights — which I plan to add to show new modules updating and being read. Everyone loves blinkenlights, right? I do.

In game data server cabinet, with a few modules spawned to see how it all fit. Glass door, which is breakable in the game, but the modules and cabinet aren’t so easy to destroy.

One of the hard parts was figuring out the X, Y, Z coordinate offsets so I could spawn those properly in the cabinet. I solved this by making a system based on static location markers. I ended up using the same system to draw sprites on the quoteboards themselves, although not everything would go to plan — some early shots/debug:

Too far back, and squished together.
Aww look, the numbers are hiding! No no no…
Better, right? Nope – the numbers are in reverse order vertically.
First test to get rotations right, that nearly melted my brain. Especially when you consider I’m making a grid of sprites offset horizontally/vertically for the whole board. If you wonder about the rainy environment, I just like the sound when I’m working.
Quoteboards working in all four cardinal directions, which was no small feat. Remember, there’s a whole grid of coordinates being calculated for each slot on the board, including the offsets which change if the board itself is oriented differently. Don’t you dare ask about doing 45-degree angles, lol.

Its a learning process. Working through this got me deep into Three-Dimensional arrays, which honestly aren’t tough to visualize, but a bit harder to debug since you’re dealing with three indexes at the same time.

More to come, documenting continues…

Teardown – Virtual Trading Floor

I’ve been messing with this game “Teardown” that uses little 3D cubes called “voxels” to build objects and terrain.

When I started, there were only two editors that would build things for it, and I wanted to understand it better – so I dove into some tools to see what makes the .vox file format tick.

I finally found some code that I could adapt – in python – so I’ve been working on making that work. If I had the ability to create .vox files programmatically, then I could do nearly anything and automate it – instead of doing things by hand. (Although I still do from time to time.)

I’m at the point where I can create my own .vox models and import them into the game, purely with code. This is awesome. But so what? you may ask.

I’ve been wanting to recreate a small part of the open-outcry trading floor environment that I used to work in long ago. I started with the idea of having the quoteboards first.

That’s nice, but they were circa 2008, so they didn’t use LEDs. They were flipdots. These are small discs that are switched or ‘flipped’ on a side with an electromagnet.

So they have particular characteristics and I’ve been working on making that happen. I made a model in a 3D editing program that I can drive with code to flip the correct dots for a given number or letter.

Some script and the flipdot model – lots commented since I’m experimenting

The only other problem is that the game doesn’t allow you to read local files or write them. This is mostly a security thing, because they allow mods to be made for their game and if they allowed a mod to have file access — some bad actors could do nasty things like wipe your drive or overwrite something important.

This means that the data needed to drive my quoteboards – which would be contract, price, etc couldn’t just be read in using a text file.

So the next step is to make a web-scraper in python, (I’ve done it before, so it isn’t too hard.), then have my voxel writer encode the numeric/character data into color values.

In the ASCII table – there’s a decimal number for each character and number. This works for me, because colors can range from 0 – 255 and the table itself only goes from 0 – 127.

That’s including a bunch of special characters I may not need, but why not.

So, if I were to encode something like a contract symbol ‘SPH2’S&P500 Futures March 2022 futures contract — It would look like this in ASCII — 83, 80, 72, 50

In a color it would be Vec(83, 80, 72) one color and then Vec(50, 0, 0) for the next

Obviously I’d pack these together with delimiters so I could strip out the data again, so ideally it would be like — :SPH2: — using colons to separate things.

Point being, I’ll be able to scrape a website/datafeed, get the quotes, and encode it into R,G,B colors and write a voxel model that I can import into the game and ‘read’ the data from it.

Flipdot numbers, modeled after the character set in use on the trading floor, circa 2008. The zero is intentionally offset to prevent visual confusion with the character “O”

More to come, just getting started…